
A click is exactly what happened when Déclic discovered the graffiti movement in 1984, and from this encounter was born his passion and his name.
After five years of art school, this passion will take him to many places, walls, trains, tarpaulins, official and unofficial, but it is only very recently, to our great pleasure, that he decides to exhibit his work.

Indeed, it would have been a shame if such an artist had not been exhibited and had not been able to leave a trace.
With time, his work on the signature and the brand have been refined, and today, he has reached a great maturity, with his bombs with a precise and aesthetic treatment, like a wink to Andy Warhol and his Campbell Soup, or with his Decliright which announces a new approach in Street Art with a real assimilation of the history of art and the elders.

Elders whom Déclic constantly praises, Andy Warhol, Jean Michel Basquiat, Richard Serra, Pierre Soulages, as well as the former professors of the Beaux-Arts, whose paths he crossed, Jean Pierre Pincemin, Vincent Bioulès, Claude Viallat and many others.

He assumes this heritage and claims it, but with his own identity, his own time and his own vision.
