Earn - Ernie Taullan

In the way of Alec Monopoly (an American street artist) who praises capitalism and money, Earn is its detractor.

Between parody, humour and derision, he offers the viewer a caricatured vision of our world and its ideologies, even the most symbolic ones, which in the end all come down to money. Earn is a provocateur, he plays with common signs and symbols, all his work is focused on the contradictions of our time, Peace and Love/capitalism, Anarchy/money.

Opposing symbols is for Earn a sign of the times, the world and the people are contradictory in everything, some want more ecology, but they drive 4×4, others are civil servants, but they advocate anarchy, others still claim to be peaceful, but they hoard and capitalise, etc ….

It is all these contradictions which interest Earn and which become the central subject of his works, declined around banknotes, coins, ingots and associated with the sign of Peace and Love or Anarchy, the whole treated in a powerful graphic spirit with mixed techniques (collages, acrylics, spray-painting).
